Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA Can Trust Your Hearing Care To Our Experts
Do you remember the details of your visit to your doctor yesterday or what your granddaughter told you about her soccer game last Saturday? Along with reduced concentration during conversations, hearing loss can also lead to recall issues that frustrate your relationships and reduce your quality of life unless you seek the help you need from an audiologist near Sandwich, MA.
Local physicians and thousands of patients have turned to Duncan Hearing Healthcare’s team of ten audiologists and hearing care professionals to provide expert hearing solutions since 2003. From the beginning, it has been our mission to educate and support communities, such as Dartmouth, Fall River, Centerville, and Falmouth, MA, by using our hearing care expertise.

How We Can Help

Expert Hearing Care Is A Product Of Our Hearing Assessments
We all have moments when our lack of concentration causes us to forget things we usually remember, but hearing loss compounds the issue by reducing both concentration and recall when it is left untreated. Expert hearing care can be the solution you need in order to improve your recall capacity and allow you to enjoy a more rewarding lifestyle.
Many individuals continue to leave hearing assessments off their list of health screenings, in spite of the fact that the CDC reports that hearing loss is the third most common chronic physical health condition in the U.S., even above cancer and diabetes. To prevent further damage to your hearing, early detection by using a quick, non-invasive hearing assessment at our Centerville location is your ticket to limiting the effects of hearing loss on your quality of life.
We Deliver Advanced Hearing Aid Technology To Sandwich, MA
If you think getting help for your hearing includes those bulky, frustrating gadgets your parents or grandparents wore, then it is time to become more familiar with today’s smaller, lighter, and more powerful advanced hearing aid technology. With features like rechargeable batteries, noise cancellation technology, and the capacity to link your device to your smartphone, television, or PC, modern hearing aid technology enhances your quality of life while it improves your hearing.
Our hearing aid patients have ongoing access to a team of hearing instrument specialists for hearing aid tune-ups, clean and check services, and hearing aid repair as a part of our follow-up care, but even non-patient hearing aid users in the Sandwich community can take advantage of our expertise at rates you can afford.

We Give You Control Over The Ringing In Your Ears
The ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, or pulsing sounds that characterize tinnitus, according to CDC statistics, affect nearly 50 million Americans to some degree, but almost 20 million experience chronic symptoms and 2 million of them experience it at a debilitating level. Stress, loss of sleep, and difficulty concentrating on day-to-day tasks are all consequences of tinnitus that threaten your ability to live a rewarding, independent lifestyle.
If tinnitus threatens your or a loved one’s quality of life near Sandwich, MA, producing stress, anxiety, loss of sleep, and focus issues, the hope and relief you need is available from our team of experts at Duncan Hearing. We conduct accurate tinnitus assessments that enable us to customize management techniques and technologies that produce measurable relief from your condition.
Sandwich Can Choose A Low-Contact Or No-Contact Consultation
Providing hearing care that addresses your need for safety and convenience is proof that Duncan Hearing Healthcare puts our patients first. You can choose from our low-contact, curb-side, or no-contact tele-audiology consultations in order to have your needs met.
Our curb-side service allows you to remain in your vehicle at our Centerville office while we provide excellent hearing care support, including a clean and check on your device, hearing aid repairs, troubleshooting or adjustments, and hearing tests.
Tele-audiology, which became necessary during the pandemic in 2020, continues to be offered as a means of addressing challenges, such as travel, schedules, and health and safety issues, that make attending an appointment in Centerville inconvenient. With this no-contact service, you can continue to have access to our hearing care experts without leaving your Sandwich home regardless of the reason.

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