This year, we received more heartfelt nominations than ever before, and we were moved by each one of them

2023 Hear for the Holidays Giveaway – Celebrating Our Winners

01/23/2024 | Hear for the Holidays, Local News, Patient Resources

One of our favorite holiday traditions here at Duncan Hearing Healthcare is our Hear for the Holidays giveaway. If you’re not familiar with this tradition, it’s an opportunity for us to give back to our community and give the gift of hearing to individuals who need it most. 

Each holiday season, we give you the opportunity to nominate someone special in your life who is struggling with a hearing loss but hasn’t had the opportunity to seek treatment, perhaps due to financial constraints or putting others first.  

Based on your nominations, we chose one winner from each of our locations to receive a complimentary pair of premium prescription hearing aids, top-notch hearing care, and a box of homemade cookies from our friends over at Black Tie Cookies. This year, we received more heartfelt nominations than ever before, and we were moved by each one of them. Selecting our winners was not an easy task!  

We are thrilled to announce the deserving winners of our 2023 Hear for the Holidays giveaway. Join us in giving them a (virtual) round of applause! 

And the Winners Are… 

Our Fall River winner is Lucy Estrela! Lucy was nominated by her son. Her nomination read,

My mom has struggled with hearing loss for a long time. It runs in our family, and her hearing has gotten worse over time. It’s so bad that we can be calling her name in the same room and she isn’t looking at us. She has no clue someone is talking to her. This has gotten worrisome for us, as she often babysits my two children while I’m at work, and my brother’s daughter on the weekends. I hope she’s a good candidate for hearing aids because she certainly could benefit from them.

Lucy Estrela

Kenneth Allen is our Centerville winner. He was nominated by four caring loved ones! One of his nominations read,

Kenneth works in the public sector as a fledgling funeral director. He is kind, courteous, helpful, and responsible. He is a great father, husband, and friend. His advancement is hindered by his hearing difficulties. This award would be of tremendous assistance to him.

Our Dartmouth winner is Laurenio Medeiros! Laurenio was nominated by his sons, who said,

He would benefit from these hearing aids in many ways, such as in everyday conversations with family, friends, and at his job where he interacts with a lot of people. My father has been a hardworking individual for all of his life, but being diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer has taken a toll on our family and especially our parents’ financial situation. Dad had to stop working for a year due to the rollercoaster of life dealing with the side effects of treatment.

This has hurt my family and parents to the point that they just get by week to week. Dad has had to go back to work to get by, and we all know inflation doesn’t help. Any help that he could get would help to lift their financial burden. And we wouldn’t have to feel like we’re screaming when having a simple conversation with my dad.

And our Falmouth winner is Donald Beaton! Donald was nominated by Frank, who said,

Donald is someone who has had bad breaks his whole life. He can’t afford a car due to insurance, and he lives in a one-bedroom apartment above a garage. He has no family in the area, and he is horribly deaf. He doesn’t have a cell phone anymore, because he can’t hear on the phone. I can’t think of a better deserving person.

We are delighted for each of our winners, and we can’t wait to see how their lives improve as they get the hearing healthcare they need and deserve. 

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Patients 

We are so grateful for all of you who participated in this year’s Hear for the Holidays giveaway by nominating your loved ones.

We received nominations for so many wonderful people, and we wish we could choose every single one of them.

We appreciate your ongoing support and trust in our team as we serve our communities through personalized hearing healthcare. If you or someone you know is experiencing signs of hearing loss or has a question we may be able to help answer, get in touch with us by requesting a callback and a member of our team will get back to you shortly. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of this year’s Hear for the Holidays giveaway. We look forward to continuing this tradition for many years to come! 

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Nancy Duncan, Au.D.

Dr. Nancy Duncan graduated from Somerset High, Somerset, MA in 1991 and received her B.S. in communication disorders and psychology from Worcester State College. Her master of science in audiology was awarded at the University of Arkansas in 1997, after which she worked for several private audiology practices in Arkansas, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Returning to the area in 2003, Dr. Duncan founded Duncan Hearing Healthcare, allowing her to apply her passion to her community through rehabilitative audiology and individual patient care. She earned her clinical doctorate in audiology degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (now Salus University) in 2005. Her passion for her family and community is an integral part of what drives her to provide trustworthy, professional hearing healthcare to her patients.

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