If you have stumbled upon this article, I think it is safe to assume that you have purchased the Lexie B1 hearing aids by Bose, and you are not as satisfied as you were hoping to be.
First things first, I want to give you my admiration.
You, like many others, have made the choice to address your hearing challenges. Perhaps at one time, a visit to an audiologist may have held you, or others purchasing over-the-counter hearing aids, back. Therefore, I am in support of over-the-counter hearing aids because they are helping provide hearing assistance to those who need it.
The Lexie B1 hearing aid is a great place to start your hearing aid journey and a good place to start exploring how technology can help you hear better. But there are some limitations with self-fitting devices.
In this troubleshooting guide, I am going to share with you four tips that will help you improve the performance of your Lexie B1 device, and I will also provide an invitation for you to visit us to receive any further support

Tip #1 – The Fit Matters
While prescription hearing aids often use “custom earmolds” which ensure that a hearing aid fits perfectly within the individual’s ear, OTC devices provide several different tips, and the user must choose for him or herself which one fits best.
If you have chosen the wrong tip and find that your hearing device is falling out or uncomfortable, then check your box to find the other tip options. Try out several of the different sizes in order to find the most comfortable fit.
You want your OTC device to fit securely in your ear, not be at risk of falling out, and certainly not be uncomfortable.
Tip #2 – Understanding the “Listening Bubble”
Your Lexie B1 device has a little microphone which picks up sound and then amplifies those sounds into your ears.
How clear or loud the sound is, is heavily determined by something we call the “listening bubble.” This is essentially the distance the microphone is designed to amplify sound within.
Here’s an example: If you are in a room without a lot of noise, then your “listening bubble” will make for a comfortable experience to hear the conversation in. But, if you are at a party or a place with a lot of background noise, then you will find that your microphone will pick up and amplify all of the noise, not just the conversation you are trying to have.
This is one of the ways in which over-the-counter devices and prescription hearing aids differ. While OTC devices work as amplifiers, prescription technology ensures that you only pick up the sounds/tones that your natural hearing would otherwise miss.
Tip #3 – Minimize Background Sounds
While perhaps obvious, this tip is still very important.
When using your Lexie B1 devices, try and limit background noises in your environment. As an example, when you are having a conversation, turn off the TV or move to a position in a room where the background noise is lessened.
Additional noises will be picked up by your microphone and amplified, and since most of the noises are foreign to our brains and not typically processed, this will make for an odd experience.
Tip #4 – Schedule an Accurate Hearing Test
In my opinion, this is probably the most important tip, because unless you have had your hearing tested recently, it is going to be challenging for your OTC device to deliver on its promises with only the built-in standard settings.
For this reason, we use the analogy of over-the-counter devices being compared to “readers.” They deliver a one-size fits all amplification tool for many, but they are not based on a prescription.
I encourage you to visit an audiologist in order to have an accurate and thorough hearing assessment. You may discover that you can change some settings on your OTC device to hear even better, or you might find out that your hearing challenges are a result of something more, or different, than traditional hearing loss.
How Can We Help?
If you have tried the preceding troubleshooting tips and are still not satisfied with the performance of your Lexie B1 OTC hearing aids, then it might be time for you to come in and visit our team for a performance evaluation.
How Does a Performance Evaluation Work?
- You’ll be able to schedule a 30-minute appointment at one of our four locations across Fall River, Centerville, Dartmouth, and Falmouth.
- A hearing care professional will be able to review the settings, the fit, and the quality of your OTC device to pinpoint ways to enhance performance.
- If this doesn’t achieve the performance enhancements that you’re looking for, then a professional hearing evaluation may be beneficial as well as a comparison test to prescription technology so that you can truly understand the differences.
- A performance evaluation is fairly priced at $75.00 (including an additional billing to your insurance if a professional hearing evaluation is required).
To schedule your Performance Evaluation, contact your local office or request a callback by clicking here.