Hearing Health Awareness Month is the perfect time to reach out to someone who may be experiencing hearing loss in your community.
But for the team at Duncan Hearing Healthcare, it’s also a period to reflect on why we’re passionate about serving people throughout Fall River, Centerville, and Dartmouth.
Hearing loss doesn’t just affect your ears, but it can also lead to more significant repercussions.
These are the key reasons why we want you to achieve the best hearing solution when you visit the centers.
A serious concern
Many people who come to the centers in Massachusetts have experienced some form of hearing loss for years before they speak to a doctor of audiology.
This is because they feel they can get by with their hearing loss, without it affecting their sense of well-being and enjoyment.
Even when they go to a medical practitioner, their issue can often be overlooked, as it’s not an area of expertise in which many doctors specialize.
However, hearing loss carries a substantial health risk, which everyone across the state should take extremely seriously.
In particular, studies show that someone with dementia is more likely to have a hearing loss, with the two conditions often developing in tandem.
Despite this worrying research, hearing loss continues to rise in America.
Even though 44.6 million people are currently affected by some form of hearing loss, this is predicted to rise to 75 million by 2060.
Now, more than ever, the team at Duncan Hearing Healthcare feels passionate about spreading awareness and providing amazing treatment to everyone in need.
More than hearing
Most people associate hearing loss with the standard symptoms, such as a reduced ability to pick out voices in noisy environments or turning up the TV louder than others.
But actually, hearing loss has far-reaching social consequences if it goes untreated.
Many people find that relationships between their spouse or children break down as they find it harder and harder to communicate.
Additionally, someone’s consistent denial about a condition can also produce frustrations during homelife between loved ones.
In reality, these points of friction can be removed easily once someone is diagnosed with a condition and prescribed effective treatment.
A hearing test takes no more than thirty minutes and is a completely painless way to find out exactly what might be causing you an issue.
Now is a great time to speak to a specialist or help another person get the right attention.
Are you concerned about a hearing loss or know someone else who is? Contact the team at Duncan Audiology, and they’ll help you today!