Falmouth: 508-548-8123
Dartmouth: 508-910-2221
Centerville: 508-862-0255
Fall River: 508-674-3334

Are You Struggling to Understand People That Wear Face Masks?

Since re-opening our doors to patients at the start of May, we’ve experienced an increased number of calls from people that are sharing the same common challenge.

That is that with so many people now wearing face masks as part of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are struggling to understand what others are saying.

Whereas previously they could have relied on lip-reading and facial expressions to communicate, face masks are causing them to heavily rely on their hearing which is causing them communication challenges. 

If you’re experiencing the same difficulties, then the good news is that, at Duncan Hearing Healthcare, we want to help.

Having recently ordered clear facemasks for our team, so that patients can see their lips through protective clear material – we have decided to order an additional 50 masks to give to those in need within our community. 

If you or a loved one is struggling to understand you/others because of the face mask, then we would like to send you a complimentary clear face mask to assist.

 It’s completely free. All we ask is that you make us a promise to schedule a comprehensive hearing assessment in return. 

If you’re struggling to communicate or understand others, then it is likely that you may be experiencing some form of hearing challenges. 

A quick, non-invasive assessment will allow you to have a fully assessment to determine if you have any form of hearing loss and the steps that you can take to achieve better hearing.

To request your clear face mask, then simply complete the form.