Professional Earwax Removal in Fall River & Dartmouth
If your ears feel blocked, clogged up, or if you feel that you’re struggling to hear as well as you once did, then there’s a strong chance that it may be due to a buildup of earwax.
Duncan Hearing is happy to help you with a professional and safe ear cleaning appointment to remove excess earwax and help your hearing get back to the levels it was before.

Understanding Earwax Removal
When you have an over-accumulation of earwax or impacted earwax, then it can cause many challenges, including a temporary or a sudden hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in your ear, dizziness, headaches, balance issues, and ear pain.
The causes of impacted earwax can vary, but the most common reason is using cotton swabs to attempt to “clean” your ears. This just leads to the earwax being pushed deeper into your canal, leading to a buildup or blockage.
Although there are many myths and misconceptions about removing earwax, the safest and most effective way is to work with an audiologist or health professional that has helped hundreds of other local people with the same challenges.
The Myths & Misconceptions Surrounding Earwax
"My body creates too much earwax!"
This is rarely true – your ear typically creates the right amount of wax to keep your ears debris-free, but if you clean them too much, your body will make more and this can also lead to a blockage.
"I can use a cotton swab to remove earwax"
Please do not do this; it can be very dangerous and will often cause more problems than it solves. Cotton swabs are one of the leading reasons that many people experience a buildup of earwax or blockage by pushing the earwax too deep into their ear canal.
"There are online tutorials for removing earwax yourself"
There are also tutorials online of how to cut your own hair or how to perform your own electrical work – it doesn’t mean that it’s the smartest or safest approach. The long-term risks of not consulting a professional outweigh the small investment that is required to have a specialist help you.
"My ear will naturally clean/fix itself"
If your ears are blocked or sore, then they need attention – leaving your ear to fix the problem itself could lead to ear infections and/or permanent damage.
How Does Earwax Removal Work?
At Duncan Hearing, we provide safe and gentle earwax removal to help you hear more clearly and feel more comfortable.
A Warm Welcome
You’ll receive instructions prior to your appointment to let you know where to park and where to go, and we’ll be excitedly awaiting to meet you!
A Conversation About You
We always start with a quick chat about you—what challenges you’ve been facing to do with your hearing, whether excess earwax is a genetic issue, and any previous challenges you’ve had to do with your hearing. Telling us as much as you can allows us to better understand what’s going on in your ears!
An Examination of Your Ears
By using a professional video otoscope, we’ll look into your ears and determine what is causing the blockage while showing you what we can see on a screen in front of you.
Say Goodbye to Your Earwax
Our state-of-the-art Earigator uses a flush of warm water to soften and gently remove earwax, so you won’t feel any pain or discomfort. For tougher blockages, we’ll use a curette to gently scoop the impaction out.
Your Ears Will Feel Like Brand New!
This is usually a nice moment as you realize just how much of an impact that earwax was having on your hearing – it feels like your ears are finally popping after a long flight!
Grab a freshly baked cookie on the way out.
Every morning, we bake delicious homemade cookies and before you go, you can take one to eat on your drive home!
Meet Others Who Have Optimized Their Hearing Health

Frank S.
"To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say run, don’t walk. The staff is truly amazing—everyone I’ve had contact with has been very supportive and helpful. When I was fitted, the degree of detail in ensuring the fit and sound quality was, I believe, second to none."

Marilyn D.
"My first impression of Duncan Hearing was that they were professional and very helpful. Since getting hearing aids, I have a better quality of life and can have conversations, knowing what others are saying. To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say don’t hesitate."

Richard M.
"After my first hearing test, I found out I had about a 40% hearing loss in my right ear compared to what’s considered normal, while my left ear wasn’t quite as bad. However, I wasn’t ready to buy at the time. Nancy Duncan asked me to test again in 6 months, and I was pleased that there was no push for a sale, showing they cared more about the quality of life hearing aids bring."

Mark C.
"Everyone was kind and helpful and made me feel relaxed, especially Kimberly—she’s the best!! To anyone considering Duncan Hearing, my advice would be to set your appointment ASAP! Your fears will melt away, and your hearing will improve more than you can imagine! Don’t wait years like I did!"

Patricia M.
"My first impressions of Duncan Hearing was great. Since wearing hearing aids, the impact on my life has been unbelievable. To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say please go, they are very friendly and understanding! They give you the quality of life that you’re missing."

Esmeralda E. C.
"Now, I can hear when my children speak, and I don’t have to ask again what they say. To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say even though you don’t know what’s going on with your hearing, Duncan Hearing Healthcare can help."

Philip P.
"My first impressions were that the staff were friendly, caring, and efficient. Hearing aids have impacted my life extremely positively; I can’t imagine life without them. To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say do yourself a huge favor and go get checked out."

"I’m not as nervous to talk to people, and honestly, I’m more outgoing with them. To anyone concerned about their hearing, I’d say it might be nerve-racking now, but in the long run, it will help you out. It’s a good place to go because they are very nice and very patient there."

Before & After the Removal of Earwax
Discover the difference clean ears can make!
See the transformation before and after the removal of earwax, and learn how this simple process can improve hearing and overall ear health.
Earigator Is a Safe & Effective Solution for Earwax Removal
The Earigator is a highly effective and pain-free way of removing earwax that has brought relief to tens of thousands of patients with no adverse effects reported.
Earigator combines the functions of an otoscope and irrigation into one and providing the most advanced means of cerumen control with the least amount of discomfort, if any at all.
LED illumination with magnification gives your doctor a better view of what’s going on inside your ear canal for more effective, targeted earwax removal that can be accomplished in three to five minutes.
Those who wear hearing aids, use earplugs, or frequently struggle with impacted earwax should schedule regular earwax removal appointments to avoid the aching, muted sound, & ringing in the ears associated with earwax buildup.
Duncan Hearing uses the Earigator as our first option for attacking earwax buildup and impacted earwax in order to provide greater safety, more effective removal, and the highest level of comfort for our patients.

Schedule an Earwax Removal Appointment
Would you like to see your ear-wax on the big screen?
We’ll take a look in your ears and identify some of the reasons that you may be having hearing challenges.
Simply complete this form and we’ll call you back shortly for a friendly no-obligation conversation.
Don’t want to wait? Then why not call us at your nearest office
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