The year 2019 saw several significant events unfold. Sadly, a devastating fire ravaged Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, leaving the world in shock. On a brighter note, people across the globe celebrated as scientists captured the first-ever image of a black hole. Meanwhile, the political landscape shifted as the U.S. House of Representatives began an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
Amidst these global happenings, Unitron introduced its innovative Discover hearing aid series, marking a significant advancement in hearing technology. Although no longer the latest model available, many individuals continue to benefit from the Discover series in their daily lives.
What Was Special About the Unitron Discover?
The Unitron Discover represented a leap forward in hearing aid technology when it was released. Powered by Unitron’s Tempus platform, these devices boasted improved speech recognition in noisy environments, offering a 50% enhancement over previous models. This feature allowed users to engage more easily in conversations, even in bustling settings like restaurants or family gatherings.
One of the Discover’s standout features was its versatility. Available in four technology levels – Discover Pro, 9, 7, and 5 – the series catered to a wide range of hearing needs and budgets. The Discover Pro, in particular, offered superior sound quality and advanced features such as speech recognition in noisy environments and binaural phone streaming. While impressive at the time, today’s hearing aids offer even more advanced noise reduction and streaming capabilities, providing an even more natural listening experience.
Convenience was a key focus of the Discover series. Compatible with Unitron’s Remote Plus app, users could adjust their hearing aid settings directly from their smartphones. This feature allowed for easy volume adjustments and even included a ‘find my hearing aid’ function. However, newer models now offer more sophisticated app integration, including AI-driven adjustments and advanced health tracking features.
The Unitron Discover also addressed the common frustration of frequent battery changes with its rechargeable design. A single charge provided up to 36 hours of use, while the compact charging case could recharge the hearing aids up to three times before needing a recharge itself. This made the Discover ideal for travel and extended use.
For those who frequented spaces with induction loop systems, such as theaters or churches, the Discover hearing aids came equipped with a telecoil. This feature allowed users to connect directly to these systems, enhancing their listening experience in public spaces.
The Discover series was available in both behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-ear (ITE) models, offering options to suit different preferences and needs. With a range of color choices, users could opt for a discreet look or make a more expressive statement.
Are You a Unitron Discover Wearer?
If you’re currently using the Unitron Discover, it’s important to note that while it was cutting-edge in 2019, hearing aid technology has continued to advance rapidly. Your devices are approaching the typical 4-7 year lifespan of hearing aids, and you may start noticing some limitations compared to newer models.
While the Discover series still provides valuable hearing assistance, newer hearing aids offer even more advanced features, such as enhanced connectivity options, improved sound processing algorithms, and more natural sound experiences. If you’re experiencing any challenges with your current devices or simply want to explore the latest advancements in hearing technology, we encourage you to schedule a consultation.
At Duncan Hearing, we’re committed to helping you achieve the best possible hearing experience. Whether you need repairs for your current Discover hearing aids or are interested in exploring newer options, our team is here to support you. We offer comprehensive hearing assessments, device maintenance, and expert advice on the latest hearing aid technologies.
Don’t let outdated technology hold you back from experiencing the full richness of sound. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you continue your journey to better hearing, whether that means optimizing your current devices or exploring new options that could further enhance your listening experience.